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Get Help using Business Contact Manager

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager is an add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 that comes with Microsoft Office System 2003. You can create and manage business contacts, accounts, and sales opportunities in one location— Outlook 2003. The related information, such as attachments, pictures, business notes, and product information, can be stored in your Outlook 2003 contacts— making it easy to integrate business contact information with appointments, tasks, reminders, and other Office programs, such as Microsoft Office Excel 2003.

  1. Install Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager, if you have not already installed it. See the Outlook Help for installation information.
  2. In Outlook 2003, on the Help menu, do one of the following:

Note  You can search for additional online content for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager on the Microsoft Office Online Web site.